From Forest to Studio
I feel so lucky to spend my time doing the things that have always felt most natural to me: painting, drawing, and walking in the woods. This has been especially true since the loss of my sister Amy (September 9, 2020), with whom I shared a special bond.
As a Forester I hike all day off trail. I make my way up steep terrain, over logs and under fallen trees, scrambling up boulders, and crossing creeks. The Colorado sun is pounding, storms are building, or maybe it’s snowing and the winds are high. It takes a focus that often erases all other concerns to get my work done and to get home safe every day.
It is a similar experience when I paint. My paintings are explorations completed by navigating a space that every brushstroke can alter. Each mark guides the next to create unique and unexpected paintings. The creative process is, for me, all-engaging and a sort of escape to the woods.
Born and raised in Mayfield Village OH, I have lived and worked in the San Luis Valley in south central Colorado since 2002.